Mercredi 29 Août

Venturer Electronics a annoncé aujourd´hui au travers d´une actualité lisible sur le site web, la sortie prochainement d´un lecteur de salon compatible avec les hd-dvd.

Le SHD7000 se placera comme un modèle d´entrée de gamme, avec une upscale des hd-dvd et dvd à 1080i via sa sortie hdmi, ainsi que la compatibilité avec différents formats audio comme le Dolby TrueHD.
Ce modèle devrait être le premier lecteur haute définition de salon à se placer sous la barre des 200$, son introduction aux US est prévue pour la fin d´année et si la qualité reste correcte, il y a fort a parier qu´il recevra un franc succès.

Le SHD7000 devient un allié important pour Toshiba car il offre une autre alternative au consommateur et sera proposé à un tarif très attractif, mais devient aussi un concurrent vis à vis du marché des platines.
Qu´importe, l´important pour Toshiba, est que l´HD-DVD gagne du terrain sur la guerre l´opposant au format de Sony.

Le communiqué de presse :

Venturer Electronics today announced the launch of its first HD DVD player for the North American market. Responding to strong consumer demand for high definition video playback devices, Venturer will introduce the SHD7000 that offers the superior HD movie experience as defined by the DVD Forum. Featuring 1080i video output and an HDMI connection, the SHD7000 is designed to be compatible with the vast majority of HDTVs already in North American consumers´ homes. With Ethernet connectivity to the network , the SHD7000 also allows users to access bonus features from movie studio web servers and unlock special prerecorded content on some HD DVD discs. Dolby TrueHD rounds out the high definition experience by presenting the HD DVD disc soundtrack as it was meant to be heard, virtually equal to the studio master. In addition to its HD DVD playback capability, the SHD7000 will upconvert standard DVDs to near HD picture quality via its HDMI connection, allowing a consumer´s existing library of DVDs to look better than ever. CD playback is also supported. The SHD7000 will be distributed in North America by Venturer Electronics of Markham, Ontario, and sold through national retailers with retail prices expected to be one of the lowest among entry-level HD DVD players. Venturer Electronics, headquartered in Markham, Ontario, offers a wide selection of value-priced, high quality consumer electronics products. Since 1988, Venturer has focused on making the latest technologies affordable to North American consumers.
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